Can I leave the lane lines in?
Yes. We prefer that they are pulled but realize many facilities to not want to do this. If the lane lines are parallel to the covers they may need some hand guidance to roll up straight.
What typical maintenance needs to be done?
For the most part it's just keeping the straps adjusted. We recommend doing a visual inspection of all system components once a year.
Can backstroke flags stay up?
For most facilities the backstroke flags need to come down.
How long do the covers last?
Average useful life is 10 years.
Will the covers impact my water chemistry?
To some extent yes. You will find you can reduce the amount of Chlorine used.
What about Chloramines?
Covers do not create Chloramines. When the covers go on the pool some Chloramines can be trapped and will off gas when the covers are removed. Typically an air handling system will clear them out within a few minutes.
How much does the system weigh?
This varies depending on the system, but for an average 6 lane 25 yd pool the wall bracket with the motor on it weighs around 400 pounds and the wall bracket without weighs around 350 pounds.
Are these safety covers?
No these are strictly energy saving covers. The number one safety feature you have is the lock on the lock on the natatorium door.
What happens if someone walks on the covers?
On the indoor market I have not heard of customers doing this. On the outdoor market though I have heard summer lifeguards will have competitions to see who can run across the covers the farthest. My understanding is they end up about mid shin to knee deep in water and wade their way off the covers. Because one end of our covers is attached to a pipe with a brake, and the other is attached to a deplorer motor with braking resistance I imagine the covers would provide more support to someone.
Can we use covers with starting blocks?
Yes. We can deploy covers from behind starting blocks.
Can we use covers with diving boards?
Yes. We cannot deploy covers from behind boards but we can deploy covers towards the boards and perpendicular to them.
I have heard there is a "dive cube" off the end of the diving board that must remain clear of obstructions when the board is being used. Can we still use covers?
Yes. We will put in a provision for the staff to pull the deployer cable clear of the dive cube. One person can do it. It will take approximately 1minute per deployer cable.
What if we don't want to use cable on the deployer motor?
We have a synthetic product that we can use in leiu of the stainless steel aircraft cable.
What grade stainless is used?
We powder coat 304/304L stainless.
What is warranty/useful life of system?
Covers carry a 5 year warranty and have an average useful life of 10 years.
Stainless steel carries a lifetime structural warranty.
Electronics carry a 5 year warranty. Useful life is hard to say. We've been doing this close to 30 years and have not yet started to see mass failure of our electronics.
Will the covers drip after they are removed and rolled up on the wall?
They will drip a little bit once rolled up. The dripping will occur at the leading edge of the cover and will only drip for a minute. Volume of water is a little hard to estimate but I would venture around a half gallon or so.
Will the ladders need to be removed?
Yes and no. We will either over lengthen the cover some so it doesn't get hung up on the ladder or if the angle is steep enough we will shorten the cover by the depth of the ladder.
Is there any odor after the covers have been removed from the water?
Will the hanging lights over the dive will be an issue with the wire?
This is going to be facility specific.
What will the height be of the reels?
This is going to be facility specific.
Are there contacts for an HVAC system?
Yes we have a set of dry contacts.